Visitor or resident

Our first topic in the course ONL162 is to think about whether we are visitors or residents on the net (see David White’s both short films,, I consider myself being a visitor when it comes to education and research, but private I am more of a resident spending time especially on Facebook. The main problem as I have found out during the first topic is that there are a whole lot of platforms or programmes facilitating discussions and online communication on the web. This autumn I will be using 13 different communication tools ranging from video communication, email-programmes through social media. Although that will increase my residency on the net, it also got me somewhat puzzled. Must there be that many systems to keep track of? Still, the many options might also open to be using different channels for sparetime and work, not confusing the professional roles with the more private roles.We’ll see, Henrik.

10 reaktioner till “Visitor or resident

  1. Henrik, you got a good point there. I have a somewhat hard time keeping up with all those different systems. The idea of one unified and perfect platform seems quite advantageous to me… 😀 Well anyhow, a complete system would probably be like a poor integrated theory..!


  2. Hi Henrik. I also find myself being a social resident, but a professional visitor. If I can put it that way. Wow – I am inspired by you wanting to use so many platforms. Just don’t be too hard on yourself. 😉


  3. Dr. Doug Belshaw speaks of ”Cultural Literacy” as one of the 8 essential elements of digital literacies…the ability to seamlessly move through a variety of online platforms (and understanding how to navigate and communicate in each) is an indication of one’s level of Cultural Literacy. So, Henrik – as challenging as your Autumn (and 13 different platforms) will certainly be, you can take heart in the knowledge that, by the end of it all, your levels of Cultural Literacy will definitely ROCK!!!


  4. I totally agree with you, Henrik, it is very confusing getting a hang of all these tools and platforms. But it might also be good being presented with a ”smörgåsbord” where we can get a taste of each ”dish”, Then, after the course we can choose the dishes we prefer most to use in our coming teaching. I just wonder what our students think if we all chose different tools and platforms,,,, 🙂


  5. Yeah, Henrik, I feel the same. But it was worse a few years ago. I had never had a cell-phone 6 years ago, and my kids wanted their own. I was forced to join and jump on the band-wagon. 4 years ago got my first smart phone and the learning curve was steep. I even got problems with my shoulder and elbow related to overusing the apps as I struggled with keeping up with it all.
    Now if feels like I just flow between them. However, I have to limit to. Facebook has only 10 friends, most others I stay away from. I have a couple or few for work, so I stay away from what I can there too. Here, I choose to stay away from Twitter. I created an account, but I find it useless.
    I think this process of sorting and choosing is as important here in choosing which of these digital platforms suit us and which don’t, just as we have to sift through our email and only read some, or sift through research material and teaching materials. We are constantly sifting all these ”wonderful” tools and information that comes into our private and work lives.


  6. Henrik, you make two very relevant points here.

    One is how to separate the personal and the professional sphere and the other is how an abundance of options can feel overwhelming, at least in the beginning.

    Perhaps another way to look at it is by thinking about purpose.

    If you use digital tools for a particular purpose, then the learning curve may not seem too steep and over time, we may filter out some of the many options that dazzle us and focus on those that really help us achieve something (be that chat with a friend on Facebook or set up a Kahoot to encourage participation in class)…

    Good luck with it!


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